Let’s be real with each other for a minute.

In the last few months, as much as I have preached taking up greatness, I have clung to fear.  I have seen on the horizons how much having an open heart—a truly open heart, ready to embrace anything this road to greatness may bring—might change me, and I have been scared.

You see, being open-hearted will mean coming out of myself.  At my core, I am a reclusive introvert, completely happy to be alone (most of the time).  I get more done that way.  I am more creative that way.  But in all honesty, I am not always better that way.

In 2015, I want to become open-hearted, brave, and hopeful.  I want to move outside of myself, outside of my worries and fears, outside of my comfort.  I want to do new and wonderful things, armed with the hope that God goes before me, walks beside me, and protects behind me at all times.

I want to stir forth from my holy dwelling (Zechariah 2:17), and move into a world that needs not so much me, but Christ-in-me.  In the Advent season, we begged God to stir forth from His holy dwelling and be with us, even in our poverty.  He responded.  He said yes.  He came.  And now God is calling me out, closer to him, to be fruitful for the sake of the world and souls, even in my poverty.  I want to say a loud, resounding, wholehearted Yes.

And I don’t just want to say yes, I want to live yes to Jesus.

It begins today.

I don’t know how to do this other than by saying yes every day to all the little things that come my way, even if I’d rather not, or it’s scary or uncomfortable, or worst of all, if I could fail.

It’ll start with everyday, little things:  doing the dishes (seriously the grossest chore known to man); saying hello to people in the grocery store or walking down the street (strangers terrify me); playing dodgeball with middle schoolers (I have zero athletic ability, so failing is a huge possibility here).

To start small, though, doesn’t mean I can forever skirt the task of actually becoming great.

And let’s be real.  It’s not up to me to become great.  It’s up to Jesus to make me great, but I have to be open to His grace.  I have to be open to the growth and change it will bring.  I have to be open to people, not just theories and thoughts, and that especially includes people I don’t know (I would rather avoid them) and people who know me best (they can speak beautiful, hard truths I don’t always want to hear).

I want to be an open-hearted woman.

I want to be a brave woman.

I want to be a loving woman.

I want to be a great woman.

I can’t get there on my own.  I need people on this journey with me.  I need you.

Pray for me, as I always pray for you.