This week, I have no idea what to write about.  Life is busy, Lent is full, and God is doing so much, but I haven’t had time to sit and process and write something that matters about it.  In light of all of that, I thought, “Well, I might as well write a blog to myself.”

This is what I need to hear tonight, and I hope it blesses you:

Love yourself, plain and simple.

Enjoy the little things.

Have courage not to know the answer, not to fill the silence with meaningless words, and not to worry.

Focus on the task at hand.  It’s where you’re supposed to be, it’s where you’ll find peace, and once it’s done you can think about the next thing.

Have fun.

Laugh a lot.


Say hello to people.

Don’t be scared.

Live in hope.

Go to bed on time, don’t forget to set your alarm, and have a cup of coffee when you wake up!