Before we dive in and get too far along this road together, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about a few things.

This blog isn’t:

  • a checklist of the amazing things I get to do, how amazing I am, how amazing my life is, or only the good things about this unique existence
  • a hate-fest; I’m not here to hate on myself all day long. I’ve already established that I tend to be pretty hard on myself anyway, so I’m not here to write a blog about the ways I’ve messed up and call that a “pursuit of greatness.” I’m also not here to hate on anyone else. That’s a waste of energy and time. If complaining and negativity are what you’re looking for, read someone else’s blog.
  • all about me. A huge part of being great is the ability to get outside of yourself and care about the world around you, so although the stories I share will be about my experiences (those are the only stories I can really tell), I truly hope to invite you into this with me. Surrendering for Greatness is about you as much as it’s about me.

This blog is:

  • an honest look at life, the attitudes and posture(s) of heart that keep me (us) from pursuing my (our) wildest dreams (aka: greatness). That includes the good and the beautiful, but also the hard and the ugly.
  • a story, a work in progress, where all are welcome to be inspired and bolstered on your own journey and your own pursuit of greatness
  • a place for healing. We’ve all messed up, and most of us have experienced some crummy stuff. Let’s stop running from that and embrace it instead. It’s part of our story. It’s part of what will make us great. Admitting that I don’t have it all together is incredibly healing and freeing.  While I’m not a counselor, nor am I equipped to help anyone really deal with deep wounds, I firmly believe that we can help each other grow, heal, and be better, if for no other reason than the fact that we’re not trying to hide our junk anymore.

Disclaimer: I love Jesus. It’s a huge part of who I am and what I do. Sometimes, I’ll even talk about it in this blog. But the point of this blog isn’t to make you love Jesus, too. If that’s part of your story, great. If it’s not, don’t worry—this blog is still for you. My hope for Surrendering for Greatness is simply to start a conversation. As humans, we all have a thirst for greatness, and I think we all know we’re capable of more than we give ourselves credit for. Instead of fighting each other, disagreeing with each other, and being up in arms because (heaven forbid) we have different world-views, let’s just journey together and see where this goes.

I’m blessed by you. Thank you for taking this journey with me.