Sometimes, you come to place in life where you know, deep down, that where you are isn’t where you’re meant to stay.  You know you can’t stand still, and that you’ll have to choose.  Sometimes, it’s a physical location, but sometimes it’s just an emotional state.  You may have been there for a while, or it may be brand new.  Either way, you know that soon, you’ll have to move.

In some ways, that’s where I find myself this morning.  It would seem that I’m coming to a fork in the road, and I’ll have to choose which path to follow.  The choice will be painful, because the yes to one path will inevitably entail a no to the other, and I don’t like to say no—I like to have all my options open.

Like Robert Frost, I’m sure the less-traveled road will make all the difference.  But unlike Robert Frost, I never saw myself as much of a trailblazer, yet here we are.

Perhaps you, like me, know you’re about to come to a life-changing, choice-making moment in your story.  Perhaps you, like me, are terrified.  And perhaps you, like me, are secretly hoping for a new, previously unnoticed third option, the kind that doesn’t have its own neat little trail to follow.

For the first time in my life, I feel brave enough to be a trailblazer.  I stand here, approaching the fork in my road, willing that third option to present itself.  For the first time in my life, I know I’d take it and follow it to the end.

I hope that you and I, when the time comes, will listen to that little voice of courage—the one we usually silence before it gets too loud to ignore.  I hope we’ll listen to it when it whispers to our hearts, Take the next step.  And I hope we’ll act in courage, take that step, and be brave enough to never look back.